(Image source: www.facebook.com/jamesnesbitart/)
There is no point in a Super Bowl, yet it garners the attention of a nation. I mean, come on, it’s guys running a pigskin up and down the field, right? But if it captures the attention of a nation, then it captures the attention of God. Which is why I believe we always see so many prophecies come forth from it—especially this year. That’s the heart of the Father—God cares about what we care about, including football… I pray everything the Lord has in mind concerning revival will begin to manifest beyond our wildest dreams!
The last thing I ever expected to do was write an article about the Super Bowl. It’s really not my thing, and besides, there are already plenty of amazing prophecies coming forth—most notably perhaps Bob Jones’ on the Chiefs’ win and the coming of revival. But after literally dreaming and hearing the whole night long that that’s what I was supposed to do—here goes.
I’m going to start by being brutally honest. There is no point in a Super Bowl, yet it garners the attention of a nation. I mean, come on, it’s guys running a pigskin up and down the field, right? But if it captures the attention of a nation, then it captures the attention of God. Which is why I believe we always see so many prophecies come forth from it—especially this year. That’s the heart of the Father—God cares about what we care about, including football.
New Levels of Discernment
You’ve probably heard by now that this was Andy Reid’s, the Chiefs’ coach, 222nd win, which happened on 02/02/2020. The Lord recently showed me the number two represents new levels of discernment. The root meaning of the number “2” means “to divide,” and by extension also means “to judge,” “to set apart,” or “to discern” (Gen. 1:6-8; Matt. 25:32). This new level of discernment will manifest via an increase of the seven Spirits of God (Isa. 11:2-4). I felt this 222nd win on February 2, 2020 was a confirmation of this word.
If you recall, Godly discernment is the divine ability to rightly judge what is going on. In its broadest sense, discernment is closely related to wisdom as an expression of the Spirit of God. By this spirit, we can function in the manner that Jesus did, when He told us, “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment” (John 7:24, NKJV). Discernment grows as we read and study God’s Word, practice holy living as God desires, pray and ask, and gain experience.
In order to function at the level Jesus did—who always perceived everything about every person, every situation, and always knew what the Father would have Him say and do, we will need supernatural levels of discernment. When Jesus explained how He could do this, He said, “I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30, NKJV). That’s almost an exact quote of Isaiah 11:3-4, which is why I believe discernment actually manifests as a culmination and outworking of the seven Spirits of God, which are listed in 11:2.
I even see God releasing new levels of discernment to non-believers, especially concerning morality and political issues. In any case, most certainly we’ll need new levels of Godly discernment to properly shepherd and steward coming revival!
Retired or Refired?
Then there’s Andy Reid’s age—61. You’ve got the young coach for the 49er’s, Kyle Shanahan (aged 40) and the old coach for the Chiefs. In his 62nd year, the year he will be eligible for filing for social security, Andy Reid finally got that ring. What if he’d decided to quit, retire, or give up coaching football to pursue something else? Of course there’d be no Super Bowl ring.
Here’s something else. There was only one play I can honestly say I had an absolute sense of certainty about before it happened—that long third and fifteen play that ended up turning the game. I just knew the Chiefs were going to complete that play for a first down—I just knew it. It just happened to be the play that set up the go-ahead touchdown and completely turned the game around.
Listen, if you’re at or above retirement age, or even close, I hear the Lord saying—“Don’t give up, don’t quit, don’t stop or step aside. Don’t say, ‘Oh, I’m too old for the Lord to use me anymore, I’ll just provide support for the younger generations He’s raising up.’”
The Lord’s got more for you than that. One moment can change everything. I prophesy to you that you’re going to be refired with fresh fire from the Holy Spirit and your best moments lie ahead!
Multi-generational Apostolic Teams
Over the last several months the Lord’s been speaking to me about multi-generational teams—that the prophetic/apostolic trend moving forward will be generational teams. I’ve heard that true Christian mothers and fathers of the faith will be critical to the harvest, and that the newer leadership will have to sometimes submit to the older leadership that’s been doing it longer.
Last night I had an amazing dream, which I felt further confirmed this word. As I was checking into a hotel for a ministry assignment, our ministry team kept growing—I needed to keep asking for additional rooms. The team grew until there was my husband and myself, an older great grandmother, a grandmother, middle-aged individuals, a thirty-something, and a baby. I felt this was the baby named “Revival,” which I’ve seen in several dreams, and it was the team’s job to care for him.
There were angels in the dream, as well, which I felt were represented by hotel staff. Some expertly prepped and cleaned rooms that shouldn’t have been available or ready, and others were ready to assist in any way we needed. Still others created provision. Just when I voiced concern about how we were going to pay for all those rooms, one of them announced, “Oh don’t worry, someone has offered to foot the bill for all the rooms. You won’t have to pay for anything.”
Angels creating finances in provision for revival—Friends, that’s a good word!
Then There’s The Children
And about that half-time show. Wow—can you believe it? I didn’t watch all of it but I saw plenty, way more than I wanted to see you could say. Crotch shots, practically naked women gyrating, and stripper poles. Is this really okay for our children to see?
I’ll never forget what the Lord imparted to me when my husband and I rallied our community to oust Planned Parenthood from the sex ed program of our local high school. Every time I give testimony of this I describe how the Lord genuinely wrecked me by imparting to me how much He loved those unbelieving high school students and was grieved they were being deceived. Did you catch that? Unbelieving high school students attending a public school!
I sensed the same thing watching last night’s half-time show. I heard the Lord say, “Somebody has got to save the children.” The present state of the family genuinely grieves the Father’s heart. Our children are confused and being led astray. His heart is and has always been about children and families, and I sense that His prophetic timetable for the restoration of families is full (Mal. 4:5-6; Matt. 18:2-6).
Finally, I believe God is doing something new on the Internet. Things are going to begin moving at warp speed, and I sense the Internet is going to play far more of a crucial role in revival than we might have ever thought or believed. Get ready for it.
Well, friends, that’s my take on the Super Bowl. I pray everything the Lord has in mind concerning revival will begin to manifest beyond our wildest dreams!

Diane is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as Media Mountain Leader/Facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.