Intercession is more than just prayer—it includes action. Jesus was our example for this. Jesus didn’t just pray for us—He died for us. Part of intercession is being willing to act sacrificially to do what others are unable to do for themselves.
Intercession Includes Action
As some of you know, my husband and I serve as Church Mountain, Regional and Montana coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network. Network leaders Mike and Cindy Jacobs have recently said the network needs to be more proactive in light of events like the recent school shooting in Florida. Specifically, we need to do more than simply pray in the aftermath of events of such human loss and tragedy. While this article is a slightly different style than I would normally write, I want to share some personal testimony of how the Lord has directed us concerning involvement in our local school.
First, I feel led to share that the Lord gave me a word last September that the period from about October 14 through February 14 was going to be one of the most difficult times so far. So it was with a heavy heart that I realized that the date of this recent shooting fell on the last day within this period. I shared this in an article in which I also wrote how the Lord showed me there was a redemptive purpose in all the shaking, as it would cause the saints to take increased possession of the cultural mountains. (Of course public schools are within the Education Mountain. You can read the full article here.)
Intercession is more than just prayer—it includes action. Jesus was our example for this. Isaiah 53:12 says, “… He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” Jesus didn’t just pray for us—He died for us. Part of intercession is being willing to act sacrificially to do what others are unable to do for themselves.
Ask For Strategy—Be Motivated By Love
It’s important to ask the Lord for strategy for your particular area and schools. We started by contacting Christian teachers in our school who understood the importance of prayer. Through our connections with them, we were able to lead prayer teams through the halls of the school on multiple occasions. This was done covertly, of course, but with teachers as part of the team it can be done. Again, with teacher participation, we’ve prayed around the buildings and grounds and through parking lots.
Another significant avenue is to volunteer. The Lord led my husband to run for the school board, in which capacity he served for four years. At one point when the curriculum was up for review, he questioned why Planned Parenthood was giving presentations in the sex education classes. “Because they always have,” was the answer.
He suggested that the health teacher (who had a master’s degree) could present the same information, and together we led an effort to remove Planned Parenthood’s involvement in our school. To do this we had to unite believers of all faiths across the spectrum—Catholics, Mormons, Baptists, Fundamentalists, and Charismatics. The Lord also gave me a platform for speaking and written testimony, and together with my husband’s board position and overwhelming community support—we won!
The Lord showed us that Planned Parenthood’s removal from our school was important for several reasons. School shootings such as this recent one are linked to spirits of violence and death, even murder. As abortion providers and aggressors in promoting deviant sexual behavior, Planned Parenthood’s presence in schools is extremely undesirable. Deuteronomy chapters 28 and 30 make clear that certain lifestyles and choices either bring blessing or cursing—we are to stand in the gap to choose life for our schools! (See Deut. 30:19.)
And it also united believers. This was an extremely divisive issue for our community and we might not have been successful if we’d focused on the issue of abortion or sexual orientation. Instead, our approach and focus was always on and for the kids. The Lord genuinely wrecked me by imparting to me how much He loved those unbelieving high school students and was grieved they were being deceived.
Ask the Lord to give you strategy, and also His heart of love!
Open Hearts And Doors
Shortly after this, three men of Mormon faith from our community were asphyxiated by carbon monoxide poisoning due to a faulty heater in their hunting tent. All were near death, had lost all bodily functions, and had less than 10 percent brain function left. The day of this incident the Holy Spirit gave us direction to call a community-wide prayer meeting at the school since they had probably only hours to live.
Because of the incident with Planned Parenthood, my husband had the Mormon bishop, as well as every pastor and priest in our community on speed dial. He started making calls at 2:00 or 3:00 that afternoon. By 5:00 p.m., someone had contacted the local news channel and it was announced on the evening news. We were wondering what we had gotten ourselves into!
The prayer meeting was set for 7:00 p.m. to be held under the flagpole outside the high school. To our surprise, several hundred people showed up! With no mic, under a crisp November sky, we orchestrated a Holy Spirit prayer meeting across all faiths and asked for a miracle of healing for these three men.
And God did it. Not one man died. Not one man has even the slightest brain damage. The testimony was incredible, as many Mormons especially, were drawn closer to the One True God. We still hear testimony today of those affected by this miracle of healing, including doctors and medical professionals who treated them.
And very recently, we had another opportunity to pray at the flagpole for someone’s healing. This time, it was for a teacher who has advanced brain cancer. The school held a benefit for her medical expenses and her husband, who is also a teacher, was very touched and moved when we asked if we could do this. Neither of them attends church or are believers as far as we know, but after the benefit we again held a multi-faith prayer meeting. Even non-believers recognize that if God healed once, He can do it again… Go God!
Strategic Keys Of Intercession
In review, here are some strategies the Lord has shown us.
- Intercession is more than prayer. Yes, be in prayer for your school (or schools) but also be willing to serve, volunteer, and step out in faith in out-of-the-box ways as the Lord leads.
- Prayer walk the halls if possible, by connecting with teachers who understand the importance of prayer. Pray around the buildings, grounds, and parking lots as well.
- Ask the Lord for strategy. Consider if a spirit of death, violence or murder is being cultivated by a particular organization with access to the students, such as Planned Parenthood.
- Finally, consider serving on your local school board. If that is not your assignment, you could also consider attending meetings to pray. Also, most school board meetings have a format which allows for public comment at the beginning of the meeting. Consider if the Lord would have you thank them for their service, and to let them know you pray daily for their safety, as well as the safety of the students and teachers. You don’t need me to tell you that you don’t have to bow your head and fold your hands in order for it to be powerful prayer!
I look forward to sharing with you all how the Lord healed the teacher with brain cancer through our recent prayers… Let’s all be leaders through prayer!
Posted on The Elijah List.
Posted on Intercessors for America.

Diane is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as Media Mountain Leader/Facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers.